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frequently asked questions

Below are some of the most-asked questions and answers to help you solve simple issues. 

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Flushing the HULK for end of the season storage

Basic knowledge & Answsers

Why is my HULK system not working properly?

One of the most common reasons that the system might not be working properly is that the barrels of product are too cold. Product needs to be between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit or manufacturers specifications. Consider purchasing our heated blankets to solve this issue. 

How do I know which handle to use?

The smaller, inside handle (black) is your fluid valve, while the larger outside handle (silver) controls the air flow. During bead application only one handle will be open at a time. When spraying or spatter/splatter both handles will be in use. 


I'm on the roof with a problem that needs an immediate solution, how can I contact you?

Dial our toll-free number anytime, 888-485-5355, and select the option to speak to Mike. He is available any time to talk you through any situations and can video chat with you to better understand any issues that you may be having.